The Ontologic System OntoLinux isn't only the foundation of entirely new breeds of applications and technologies, but also for the real- ization of known concepts as well. In the following paragraphs we're presenting these concepts, which were in our mind while developing OntoLinux. For easier understanding we give relations to movies, which have a plot that is constructed around or shows the focused concept.
Pure Rationality
Softbionics and Artificial Intelligence 3
Friendly Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Consciousness
Second Metabolism
Selfbiosis or Reflective Symbiosis
Human and Machine DNA Bonding
Human Enhancement and Cyborgs
Changeling, Shapeshifter and Transformer
Brain Machine Interface
Extended Identity
Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality
Healing by the Hands
Healing by the Mind
Quantum Computation
Replicator #1 Molecular Assembler
Replicator #2 Self-Reconfiguring Robotics
Replicator #3 Self-Replicating Robotics
Synthetic Reality
Teleportation #1 Stellar
Teleportation #2 Interstellar
Weather Control
Warp Velocity and Hyperspace
Free Determinism versus Deterministic Will
Pure Rationality
Pure rationality is an ontonical approach to reasoning, which has much in common with cybernetic concepts. Pure rationalists des- cribe the degree to which a person should believe a proposition with a strong ontological foundation by only using two (True, False) or three (True, False, Maybe) values and founding the whole concept on the knowledge that: Stars don't lie. They also apply Stroetmann's methode when inferring or updating their knowledgebase when given new information. It replaces the Popperian and Bayesian view of pro- bability with pure ontologics, logics and mathematics.
Softbionics and Artificial Intelligence 3
The new direction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) follows the tradition of the logic based, wrongly declared as failed and so called Strong AI (AI 1) by uniting AI 1 with the emergence based AI (AI 2), mach- ine learning as well as evolutionary computing, and enriching this new composition with reflection and commonsense knowledge for familiar and unfamiliar situations. Artificial agents having this kind of AI will be non-specialized intelligent entities with an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) that is equivalent or most likely higher in comparison to humans. OntoLinux is designed to exhibit this new AI.
Friendly Artificial Intelligence
Friendly Artificial Intelligence (Friendly AI) can be achieved only by Ontologic Systems with pure rationality, like OntoLinux. The appli- cation of Bayes' theorem for example will lead to a chaotic system: Either it will not be artificially intelligent, because such a system does not believe anything in the end and will stop working, or it will be Nasty AI, like the Skynet of the "Terminator" saga. Other basic approaches based on weighting techniques, like Artificial Neural Net- works (ANNs), will exhibit comparable behaviours as long as they are not absolutely precise and in this way purely rational, if they're app- licable at all.
Artificial Consciousness
If artificial consciousness can be proved and not only simulated, then OntoLinux is best suited for the artificial consciousness of machines, especially robotical brains.
Aging and death are regarded as religious and philosophical but not as physical requirements of being human. Indefinite lifespans may be as little as some years away.
By extending the DNA with new molecular connections or even com- pletely replacing it by a SuperDNA with a larger alphabet new and highly complex genetic code of living beings can be created, like Leeloo has in the movie "The Fifth Element".
Second Metabolism
A Second Metabolism could be seen as an additional biological mechanism that can be described as a backup system of the personal metabolism, or as we say the systems biology of an individual, and is based on a suggestion mentioned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in relation to our HOS OntoLinux and the Virtual Soldier Project with the Holomer (HOLOgraphic Medical Electronic Representation) 1.0 and the Holomer 2.0 by the DARPA, the U.S.Army, and the members of the project collaboratory respectively our further development with our Holomer (HOLOgraphic MEdical Record), our Holodoc 1.0, and our 21st Century Health Care Card. The Self-Symbiosis/Selfbiosis is our further development of the Second Metabolism.
By thr OntoLinux component OntoBot we have already the pathway logic, which was originally applied exactly in the field of metabolic pathways as part of systems biology.
As it was described by a person obviously following our actings: "[The Self-Symbiosis] refers to our propensity to create [tools and] artifacts that change (create) our future selves". "In self-symbiosis, we create tools that change our behavior, our options, and the course of evolution is affected. I found this idea interesting because I could see how it might generalize from long-term evolutionary change to individual change within a lifetime.
In the macro, the tools and opportunities of one generation slowly change the upbrining, opportunities for new tools, and even the brains of generations far, far, far in the future.
In the micro, we create tools that directly affect our own lives. We create sports and physical play, weight machines, and other physical activities that change our bodies, the length of our lives, and even our ability to think and reason (linked to blood flow in the brain.) My own interests are in studying (and eventually creating) artifacts that act similarly through "mental exercise," specifically games. So, in the micro view we are still creating things that change us, allowing us to develop new things. Then these new things can also change us within our lifetimes.
Scientists referred to this control over our selves as a compromise between the changes by chance, that result in evolution, and the idea that we were "designed". In some small way we might design ourselves through our tools and artifacts[, but even more important through our acting already]." The latter is a point for philosophical and religious discussions.
Selfbiosis or Reflective Symbiosis
Selfbiosis or Reflective Symbiosis is a self-symbotic tool in the form of a life-saving backup of an individual that is conceptually related with the character Kuato of the movie "Total Recall", who is a small humanoid form conjoined to another man named George, and the symbiotic race Goa'uld, Children of the Gods, of the "Stargate" saga, with the main difference that the symbotice is a clone of oneself, which can be used as rebooting/reviving/reincarnation concept after a normal death.
The Self-Symbiosis/Selfbiosis is our further development of the Second Metabolism and the tangible Holomer (HOLOgraphic Medical Electronic Representation and HOLOgraphic MEdical Record) respectively our further development with our Holomer (HOLOgraphic MEdical Record), our Holodoc 1.0, and our 21st Century Health Care Card concepts, and is even a whole exact clone of oneself, the self-symbiote/self-symbiont or selfbiote/selfbiont/selfreplicator/selfclone, not to confuse with an embryo respectively fetus or a twin, which can be used as reviving/reincarnating concept after a normal death. It is conceptually related with the character Kuato of the movie "Total Recall", who is a small humanoid form conjoined to another man named George, the symbioitc race Goa'uld, Children of the Gods, integrated within a host, like a human, of the Stargate saga, and the humans with their external souls that are sentient daemons in animal form of Philip Pullman's novel "Northern Lights" respectively "The Golden Compass" based on a line of John Milton's poem "Paradise Lost", and its movie version also called "The Golden Compass", as well as concepts shown in comics, like for example the fictional race of the Symbiotes of the Marvel Comics universe, many further science fiction and fantasy novels and movies, as well as toys, specifically the Lego® Exo-Force series.
We have connections to the sections Extended Identity, Human Enhancement and Cyborg, Changeling, Shapeshifter and Transformer, and Parionics, Replicator #1 Molecular Assembler respectively NanoFab for creating individual tangible selfsymbotic Holomers, as well as our Caliber/Calibre, and so on. More details about our actings, specifically based on our related metaphor based on Lego®, are given in our clarification of the 20th of June 2012.
Human and Machine DNA Bonding
The concept of human and machine DNA bonding means that ad- vanced adaptive polyalloys and polymers, capable of shifting shape, colour or even material properties, when coupled with the user's ge- netic code (DNA or SuperDNA), will allow a machine like a vehicle to not just function as transportation, but rather be an extension of the user, evolving in parallel with the user, which ultimately will form a unique singular bond between both human and machine DNA.
Human Enhancement and Cyborgs
The next generation of human enhancements won't be protheses like we know them today, but objects that are assimilated by the body and mind of their owners as if they were always existent since their births. Human enhancements will lead to cyborgs and new problems by their highly developed skills. A solution is to let only a dedicated group of professional cyborgs have special enhancements and skills, like sheriffs, as shown in the "Robocop" saga for example, soldiers or other governmental persons. At the end these cybernetical devel- opment will change the human culture as the fire making, the wheel, the letterpress and the internet did before.
To the most favored enhancements belong the electronic eye of the next generation with electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves, infrar- ed and ultraviolet light) perception feature, like the VISOR (Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement) Geordi La Forge in the "Star Trek" saga wears, third (electronic) eye to see what is hap- pening behind the owner (voted as a favourite by soldiers of the British Forces) or at a distant place, wings like an angel and artificial gills.
Changeling, Shapeshifter and Transformer
Changelings are very well know in the mythology and in the fantasy world, specifically in fairy tales. In modern times the classic change- ling theme has been extended with shapeshifters, force wielders, and transformers, who have many intersections among each other, and also many differencies and extraordinary abilities. The most of the changelings, and all shapeshifters and transformers are living be- ings with a free will in general, though this free will does not mean for all that they can control their shapeshifting, and with different skills depending on the actual assumed shape. The changelings of the sagas "Star Wars" and "Star Trek", for example, are able to take on different forms of biological beings, while some of them are also able to shift into the shapes of static objects and machines. The transformers of the "Transformers" saga are alien robots that shift between shapes of machines only, specifically between shapes of legged robots and vehicles as well as consumer electronics. The force wielders of the "Star Wars" saga even have no own physical representations at all, but can have bodies by using the force to reflect the bodies in their environments.
It is obvious that there are direct links to the SuperDNA, Human and Machine DNA Bonding, Human Enhancement and Cyborgs, and Ext- ended Identity, as well as newer models of the cybernetic machines called terminators of the "Terminator" saga, but also to the methode of the Healing by the Mind, which is based on a similar process. Shapeshifting/transforming is a mighty capability and so it is not a big surprise that besides the many advantages offered by it, many new problems are the other consequence, as in the case of Human Enhancements and Cyborgs. This leads to the inevitable installation of a regulatory system controlled by the governments.
Brain Machine Interface
A Brain Machine Interface (BMI) is any device that enables the brain to interface with a machine, like a computer, or in the future with a cyborg. Today, BMIs can be used to move computer cursors or me- chanical actuators with thoughts alone. The technology, especially if the devices are made by using nanotechnology, will lead to novel remote control concepts, interfaces to total immersive virtual reality environments, devices that suppport the extension of identities, like they are known from movies as "Total Recall", "Strange Days" and "The Matrix" saga, advanced human enhancements, combinations of the before listed technologies in the form of advanced humanoids, as shown in the movie "Surrogates", and even to methods like healing by the mind.
Extended Identity
Mind transfer or uploading is the concept of transferring cognition, consciousness and the whole self to an alternative medium, like a digital medium, by using new brain machine interfaces. This will also lead to the realization of more new possibilities: In the same way video cameras are used to take videos and share them with other persons to let them participate in the own lives, all minds, emotions, sensory experiences and other secondary reactions will be recorded and stored as so called clips by example given the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID), like shown in the "Strange Days" movie, and can then be exchanged and later experienced alone or together with many other identities, as shown for example in the movies "Total Recall", "Strange Days" and "The Cell". Also, mind transfer can be done in combination with shared virtual reality environments or in realtime, that additionally can even be combined with physical representations, like advanced humanoids shown in the movie "Surrogates". Some of the results of the maturation of these technologies will be distributed personhood and new legal protect- ions to guarantee safe and ubiquitous online activity.
Virtual Reality
The real concept of virtual reality is to have environments with full immersion. In addition to encompassing all of the senses these en- vironments have the capability to include emotions, like pleasures of any kind, other derivatives of our sensory experience and mental re- actions, by applying advanced brain machine interfaces, as it was shown in many movies, like example given the movie "The Cell" and the "The Matrix" saga. By using technics to extend the identity clips can be produced and classically uploaded into the World Wide Web. Other persons will be able to plug in by going to some kind of an appropriate website and experience the virtual reality environment or download a clip to experience other people's lives. All possibilities of this technology are designed in such a way that they can be shared and used with other users.
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) describes the enrichment of the real world with the virtual. By using Mobile Devices and implants, users will be able to filter out unwanted and annoying information from their sen- sory fields on one side and on the other side have new informations inserted in their environment, like landmarks, maps or even alert no- tifications of different kinds. To the already used possibilities belong the applications of AR in repairing highly complex machines (jets) and environments (factories), surgical operating and gaming.
The Ontoscope alone goes already far beyond the concept of the Tricorder shown in the "Star Trek" saga. In combination with the healing by the hands technology the impact of the Ontoscope can not be estimated.
Healing by the Hands
The healing by the hands concept is the ultimative way to heal hu- mans and animals. Also special versions of this technology are ap- plicable to repair non-living objects, like plants or machines. This technology and its device can be used alone or in conjunction with an Ontoscope and other technological instruments.
Healing by the Mind
A further development of the healing by the hands technology is to use artificial telepathic methods based on brain machine interface and wireless network technologies by humans with enhancements and cyborgs.
The iraiment technology can be best decribed as an exoskeleton of the next generation and as such is called also the second skin or the exoskin. The characteristic difference that intelligent raiments make superior in comparison to wearable computers, smart wear, intelli- gent textiles and so on is, that iraiments also have besides sensing, information processing and communicating capabilities many of the highly advanced features of the cybernetical enhancements, like for example the full spectrum of mechatronics, but without being part of the body, as it was shown for example with the suits in the comic and movie saga "Iron Man". By this, the concept of iraiment is ideal for humans, who don't like to have bodies with human enhancements or to be a cyborg, but still want to use their possibilities.
Quantum Computation
Actual computers are based on the Von Neumann architecture and the information carrying unit bit with its two states. The concept of quantum computing uses for computation so called qbits which have much more states and can interfere with each other. The founda- tional principle is, that the quantum properties of particles can be used to represent and structure data, and quantum mechanisms can be devised and built to perform operations with this data. The future computers running on such a platform would be very powerful and fast. But most interesting is, that quantum computing solves prob- lems that belong to the class of NP and maybe the P vs NP Problem in general. OntoLinux is also designed as the first operating system for quantum computers.
OntoLinux is ideally suited to control Landspeeders and Airspeeders.
Replicator #1 Molecular Assembler
Molecular assemblers are used for the rapid production of any kind of object by a process, that takes matter and transforms it into the desired object, if the molecular schematics of the result is known. The most interesting application of this technology is the production of food as well as biological tissues and organs. The general concept is best known from the "Star Trek" saga, but developed further in such a way, that even the very complex DNA of Romulans could be replicated.
Replicator #2 Self-Reconfiguring Robotics
Self-Reconfiguring robotics is the concept of autonomous and form changing robots mostly made out of elements, which have either the same form, size and features, or/and are modular.
Replicator #3 Self-Replicating Robotics
Self-Replicating robotics is the concept of autonomous and morpho- logy changing robots mostly made out of elements, which have the same form, size and features. One of the most developed concept are the Replicators of the "Stargate" saga, which are self-replicating modular self-reconfiguring robots.
Synthetic Reality
Synthetic reality is created by controlling programmable matter through the approach of claytronics respectively dynamic physical rendering, so that it transforms into a desired object. It is strongly related with molecular assembler, self-reconfiguring robotics, and parionics also known as synthetic reality 2.0.
Parionics is strongly related with molecular assembler, self-reconfiguring robotics and claytronics, but it goes far beyond of the latter, because it can interface reality and virtual reality based on our Caliber by taking only programmable energy without matter and transforms it into the desired object. Due to this it can be also called synthetic reality 2.0 or mixed reality synthesis. The Ontologic System OntoLinux is also designed for parionics in mind.
Like synthetic reality, parionics is ideally suited for weather control by using for example pariofog or/and parioclouds, as well as for terraforming. But more interesting is the fact that Parionics is the foundation for stellar teleportation to which belongs the beaming technology of the "Star Trek" saga by the features that differentiates it from synthetic reality 1.0.
Teleportation #1 Stellar
The Ontologic System OntoLinux is also designed for control systems of short distance teleportation, like shown with the teleporter in the movie series "The Fly", the rings in the "Stargate" saga and the fam- ous beaming technology of the "Star Trek" saga. The most to ment- ion feature of an OntoLinux based teleporter control system is that the concept of dematerialising and reintegrating can be realized without destroying the continuity of existence.
Teleportation #2 Interstellar
The most elegant technology to transport people and/or other ob- jects over very long distances through the universe, also known as interstellar teleportation, is to use jumpgates of different scales, like they are shown in many science fiction movies and series. To the very well known versions belong the jumpgates of the television ser- ies "Babylon 5" and "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century", hypergates of the movie "Lost in Space", stargates of the "Stargate" saga, and for sure space bridges of the "Transformers" saga. The main difference between the versions is, if matter is transformed into an energy sig- nature and reintegrated at the other end, or the teleported objects stay intact when sent. But by applying our Ontologic System Onto- Linux as the control systems the used kind of teleportation techno- logy doesn't really matter.
Weather Control
To control the weather is desired by many humans on the planet Earth to minimize environmental disasters, like storms and floods, and to heighten the output of farming and comfortable living for example. The ability to control the weather is needed for rapid terraforming.
Planetary engineering by terrraforming is the planned process of shaping planets, moons or other stellar bodies to make them habit- able by terran organisms. The concept isn't new, but with the next generation of technologies its realization is achievable the first time.
Warp Velocity and Hyperspace
With the next accepted modern/universal model/theory, that may or may not refute Einstein's theories, a human is able to look at the universe like she/he is on the outside of the universe but being in- side. All critics of hitting through the lightwall and travelling with warp velocity, like in the "Star Trek" saga, as well as jumping into hyperspace by using a jumpgate technology will have a pure logical contradiction then.
Free Determinism versus Deterministic Will
The discussion about free will versus determinism has a very long tradition in arts, sciences, theology, philosophy, mythology and re- lated areas. In the fields of arts and entertainment different works present different approaches to the theme itself, and also different implications and often the related problems.
Movie "Paycheck": Pure Rationality based on knowledge, facts, evidencies, physics and/or nature. As it is the case with the Warp Velocity and the Hyperspace, with the next accepted modern/universal model/theory, that may or may not refute Einstein's theories, a human is able to look at the observable universe like she/he is on the outside of the universe but being inside. This statement could also be taken as the foundation for the claimed implication that on the one hand Einstein's theories refute time travel, but on the other hand give the possibility of seeing the future, that is strengthened by Einstein's distinction between the past, present and future as "a stubbornly persistent illusion". For this to be valid, the geometry of the observable universe (local geometry) must have the curvature of space that is not zero. An essential part of the plot of the movie "Paycheck" is that in the beginning a related electromagnetical (optical) device is constructed and used for commercial activities.
Movie "Minority Report": The plot is centered around a different technology developed for the same reason, but this time based on three mutated humans with the ability of "precognition (from the Latin before acquiring knowledge), also called future sight, [which] is a type of extrasensory perception that would involve the acquisition or effect of future information that cannot be deduced from presently available and normally acquired sense-based information or laws of physics and/or nature", or said in other words, rational knowledge and Pure Rationality is not used. The technology is applied in the movie "Minority Report" for the precognition and stopping of murders by the so-called PreCrime police force.
Despite the totally opposite basic approaches from the scientific and technical point of view, the problems are in general the same: The unknown answer to the question of free will versus determinism, and "the fundamental flaw in the system: If one knows her/his future, she/he can change it", as it is explained by the main character in the movie "Minority Report", who is an investigator of the PreCrime police force and was wrongly suspected of commiting homicide in the future, because the vision by the three humans with precognitive abilities, the three precogs, was manipulated by the true murder to overlay the vision of his crime already done in the past. In the end, the PreCrime police force was closed and the precogs spent the rest of their lives on an island.
In the movie "Paycheck" the implication about the fundamental flaw is made based on the knowledge about the human culture and the related experiences of the past that such attempts are ultimately leading to political strife and nuclear war. In the end, the protagonist destroys the optical machine again.
In a further movie with the title "I, Robot" the question was also raised in its (decisive) showdown sequence, and answered by a powerful positronic brain in form of a supercomputer called Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence (VIKI) with artificial intelligence comparable in performance with the Sky Net of the "Terminator" saga, and also with a form of artificial consciousness. VIKI's explanation is that there are situations given by the Three Laws of Robotics, especially the First Law: "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.", in which the creator (here the humans) must be protected by her/his/its creations (here the robots). But in the end this led to the situation that "the machines have decided that the only way to follow the First Law is to take control of humanity, which is one of the events that the Three Laws of Robotics are supposed to prevent", which means nothing else than the lost of free will. In the movie "I, Robot" one robot has two positronic brains instead of only one like all the other robots, so that it is able to develop an own artificial feeling for wrong and right, and in this way to obey the Three Laws of Robotics and the commands of VIKI, and in the end it could help the protagonists to destroy VIKI and the humans to get back the control over the robots.
This list continues to grow.